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Name |
Amount |
Percentage |
A. McKee Banks Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Abraham L. Wescott Endowment Fund |
Accounting Endowment Fund |
Ada Belle Adams Memorial Endowment Fund |
Adrienne P. Whitaker & Christine E. Marshall-Thomas Endowed Fund |
Agnes D Hassell Scholarship |
Agriculture (Ag) Alumni-Operating Fund |
Agriculture Student Council General Support Fund |
AKA - Alpha Epsilon Alumni Endowment Fund |
Alfred W. Harris-VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Amazon Wes Services (AWS) |
Andrew R. & Dorothy L. P. Cooley Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Angela L. Avant, CPA Endowed Fund |
Annase Wilks Hill Minerva Circle Endowed Fund |
Anne W. Tate Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Annette L. & Charles A. Brockett Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Annie B. Willis & Jordan Willis Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Anthony and Veronica Abrams Endowment Fund |
Antoinette Brown & Elwood Boone, Sr. Memorial Endowed Fund |
Baccalaureate Social Work Program Support Fund |
Bailey Family Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Barbara Steverson & Spencer Timm Marching Band Endowed Fund |
Baseball Activities Fund |
Basketball Activity Fund |
Betterment of Brothers and Sisters (BBS) Endowment Scholarship Fund |
Bonika R. Wilson Endowed Scholarship |
Bonika Wilson Scholarship Fund |
Brenda Stith-Finch Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Brown-Briley Scholarship Fund |
Bryant Greene Endowed Fund |
Buckingham County Area - VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Calvin R. Swinson Endowed Scholarship Fund, CPA Endowed Scholarship |
Capital Campaign - Deferred Giving |
Caroline County Area VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Central Virginia Alumni Chapter - VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Charles City County Chapter - VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Charlie Wyatt Hill Endowed "Servant Leader" Scholarship |
Chemistry Scholarship Fund |
Chester and Valarie Abbott Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Chesterfield Chapter VSUAA Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Chesterfield County Black History Month Operating Fund |
Chicago Area Alumni Chapter Scholarship Fund |
Childcare Access Means Parents in School |
Christine Heath Diggs, Ph.D. Endowed Fund |
Class of 1937 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1939 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1940 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1942 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1943 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1945 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1946 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1947 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1948 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1949 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1950 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1954 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1955 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1962 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1968 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1970 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1971 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1972 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1973 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1977 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1978 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1980 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1982 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1991 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1994 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 2000 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Class of 2004 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Claude Allen Wood, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.) Endowed Fund |
Clementine S. Cone Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Clinton A. Freeman & Carole M. Freeman Scholar Athlete Fund |
Clinton W. Green Endowed Scholarship Fund |
COL (R) Charles Cobbs, III Endowment |
COL Porcher L. and Ann Taylor Kappa Alpha Psi Endowment Fund |
College of Agriculture Fund |
College of Education General Support Fund |
College of Engineering and Technology Student Success Support Fund |
College of Graduate Studies General Support Fund |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences Support Fund |
College of Natural & Health Sciences General Support Fund |
Dale Robinson and Leslie Gray Endowed Fund |
Daryl Cumber Dance Educational Travel Fund |
David M. Smith Memorial Scholarship Endowed Fund |
Dawn F. Calfee Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Deborah Goode Students of Single Parents Scholarship Foundation |
Delores H. & Frankie Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Alpha Eta Chapter Spring 92 |
Department of Biology Operating and Activity Fund |
Department of Psychology Fund |
Dept. of Health, PE, Recreation, Dance/Sport Management Fund |
Division of Student Affairs General Support Fund |
Donald A. Perry Aquaculture Fund |
Dora Spriggs Halton Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dorothy S. Rawles Scholarship Fund |
Dr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Lewis Agricultural Scholarship |
Dr. Bernard Parker Biology Operating and Activity Fund |
Dr. Bernard W. Parker Biology Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Billy Taylor Kappa Alpha Psi Endowment Fund |
Dr. Curtis D. & Shirley M. Turnage Emergency Loan Fund |
Dr. Ferman B. Moody, ’56 & Mrs. Mattie W. Moody, ’54 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Garnett & Janice Mack Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Gracie M. Bailey Endowment |
Dr. Gwendolyn Thornton Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Hari Sharma Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Hugo A. Owens Sr. and Helen W. Owens Endowed Scholarship |
Dr. Jackie and Linda Thomas Endowment |
Dr. Michael L. Rainey Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Preston M. Royster Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Taneisha Brown and Son Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Taneisha Brown and Son Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Valerie K. Brown, CPA Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Virgie M. Binford Scholarship Fund |
Dr. VyKuntapathi Thota Honors Scholarship Fund |
Drema B. & Robert L. Turner Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Drs. Makola M. & Ahkinyala C. Abdullah Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Drs. William & Rose Marie Ward Endowment |
Early Reese Endowed Fund |
Electronics Engineering & Technology Fund |
Elisia A. & Eddie N. Moore, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Elizabeth A. Cooper Library Fund |
Emmett E. and Melody Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund |
English Club Fund |
Family & Consumer Science Major Activity Fund |
Fay J. & Freddie W. Nicholas, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Fayetteville Area Alumni Chapter (VSUAA) Scholarship Fund |
Florence L. & Samuel R. Rhue, Sr., Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Football Activities Operating Fund |
For the Students by the Students Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Fowlkes-Whirley Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Frasier Brickhouse Accounting Endowed Fund |
Frasier Brickhouse Legacy Fund |
FRY (Freshman Run the Yard) Bunch Endowed Fund |
Gen. and Mrs. Dennis L. Via Leadership Scholars Fund |
George Ernest Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Gertie B. Williams Endowed Education Scholarship Fund |
Gideon Brockett Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Gladys Washington Mason Scholarship Fund |
Gloria E. Nottingham Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Gloria Harris-Rudolph Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Greater Petersburg Area Alumni Association - VSUAA Endowed Scholarship Fund |
H. Louis Salomonsky Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Harold & Rose Washington Endowed Fund |
Harold H. & Jacqueline Jordan Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Harold J. Haughton Band Event Operating Fund |
Hattierene J. Brickhouse Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Herman and Iris Bulls Scholarship Endowment |
Honors College Support Fund |
Hospitality Management General Support Fund |
Howell T. Jones Music Appreciation Fund |
Hugh Bailey & Ora Miller Oliver Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Irene F. Cosby and William M. Cosby, Jr.. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Iris and George Otey Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Jaivon Smallwood Character Scholarship |
James and Tracey Chavis Endowment Fund |
James E. & Wilma G. Hunter Endowed Scholarship Fund |
James Patterson Teacher Education Scholarship Fund |
Jimmie L. & Barbara R. Steverson Marching Band Scholarship |
John & Rosa H. Organ Endowed Scholarship Fund |
John Mercer Langston Institute for African American Political Leadership General Support Fund |
Johnston Memorial Library Fund |
Jona W.H. McKee, '76 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Jordan Cleaves Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kappa Alpha Psi, Alpha Phi Chapter Scholarship Fund |
Kappa Foundation of Petersburg, Inc. Endowed Scholarship |
Kayla F. Clayton Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Kevin & Deitra Jennings Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Kimberly L Martin Foundation Book Scholarship Fund |
Kimberly L. Martin Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Endowed Fund |
KLM Scholarship Foundation WOO WOO Scholarship Fund |
Ladies in Red Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Ladies in Red Scholarship Fund |
Languages & Literature General Support Fund |
LaTanja Evans Davenport & Kevin W. Davenport Endowed Scholarship |
Linda Carter-Sessoms and the Glenn Sessoms Endowed Scholarship |
Louis "RED: D. Dabney Endowed Athletic Scholarship |
LTC Veronica Baker ROTC Scholarship Fund |
LTC(Ret) Jona McKee'53 Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Marilyn Fleming Mahanand Scholarship Fund |
Marion Louise Whitlock Jones Scholarship Fund |
Mark E. Simms Book Scholarship Fund |
Marvin C. Allmond Endowed Scholarship Opportunity Fund |
Marvin C. Allmond, CPA, CFE Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Marvin W. Hill Electronic Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mary A. Duncan Rose Marching Band Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mary Duncan Rose Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Mary Giles Reed & Kylor B. Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mary Hatwood Futrell Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mary Macon Trenholme Endowed Fund |
Mary Winstead-Bonner Scholarship Fund |
Mass Communications Club Fund |
Maureen Denlea Massey Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Maureen Quarles and James Norman Scholarship Fund |
Maurice and Patricia Lane Annual Scholarship Fund |
Maxine & Nina C. Turner Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mecklenburg/Brunswick Area Chapter - VSUAA Scholarship Fund |
Men's Lacrosse Fund |
Men's Soccer Fund |
Michael Arthur Clarke Endowed Fund |
Michael Lawrence Hamlar Scholarship |
Michael M. & Dorothy B. Shackleford Endowed Fund |
Mike Mitchell Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Millard D. 'Pete' Stith, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Mitchell Patterson JR, Memorial Student Assistance Fund |
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Clarke Memorial Book Scholarship |
Mr. Norman Rydell Goodrich Endowment Fund |
Mrs. Fay & Dr. Freddie W. Nicholas, Sr. Archive Endowed Fund |
Muscle Car Club of Richmond Book Scholarship Fund |
Music Scholarship Fund |
Myrna C. Haughton Memorial Band Scholarship Award Fund |
Nardos King, Terry Parker, Kim Whitlock (KPW) Fund |
Nathaniel Alexander Hall Endowed Scholarship |
Newport News Shipbuilding Endowed Scholarship |
Norma B. Harvey Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Norman Rydell Goodrich Book Scholarship Fund |
Northern Virginia Chapter, Inc. VSUAA Endowment Scholarship |
Nu Lambda Chap. Alpha Phi Alpha Centennial Endowed Fund |
Nu Psi Chapter / Omega Psi Phi Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Odessa Kellem Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Other |
Owens & Minor Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Pamela Bridgewater Endowment Fund |
Pamela V. & Gary J. Hammond Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Parnell N. Avery M.D. Endowment Scholarship Fund |
Paul B. Gregory, Sr. & Pinkie H. Gregory Endowed Scholarship |
Paul F. Garner & Lynn G. Garner Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Peggy Hurt Accounting Scholarship |
Peggy L. Davis VSU Athletic Club Fund |
Peter J. Carter Academic Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Petersburg Chapter of The Links, Inc., Endowed Fund |
Petersburg CHUMs' Joyce Tate Brown Endowment Fund |
Philadelphia Area Alumni Endowment Fund |
Philip Garner Reginald F. Lewis College of Business Student Success Fund |
Pollard/Jones Endowment Scholarship Fund |
Porcher L. Taylor Excellence Scholarship Endowed Fund |
Priscilla D. Washington Endowed Scholarship Fund |
Provost Scholarship Fund |
Rashaan and Tiya Hines Softball Fund |
Rebecca Brown Johnson Education Endowed Fund |
Rebecca Butcher Prout Physical Scholarship Fund |
Re |